Operation Stimulus - Sponsorship

Become a sponsor of the Rams Operation Stimulus Supply Chain Case Competition February 6-9, 2025. Sponsor $500 and above and your organization logo/name will be listed on the website, in the program, and given a special mention at the event.
Location: Colorado State University, Lory Student Center 1101 Center Ave Mall, Fort Collins, 80523

Dates: February 6-9,2025

Sponsor Benefits:

  •          Under $500 – your company logo listed on the website 
  •          $500 – Company logo listed on the website & at the event, 2 attendance registrations and table set-up at Career fair on Thursday Feb 6th
  •          $750 - Company logo listed on the website & at the event, 3 attendance registrations and table set-up at Career fair on Thursday Feb 6th
  •          $1000+ - Company logo listed on the website & at the event, 4 attendance registrations and table set-up at Career fair on Thursday Feb 6th

Once you have registered as a sponsor:

1) Return to the Individual Registration link to register your attendees.

2) Please submit a brief 'elevator pitch' about your company (250 words max) to Zac.Rogers@colostate.edu.

3) Please email a company logo image to Zac.Rogers@colostate.edu in the file format .PNG or .JPG (.EPS acceptable).


 Credit card payments accepted. If you want to pay via check, the instructions are:

Please checkout using discount code 'PAYBYCHECK' and mail your checks to the CSU College of Business, and we will email you a paid invoice. 

Colorado State University

College of Business

Attn: Kaesha Kaimiola-DeCosta

200 West Lake Street

1201 Campus Delivery 

Fort Collins, CO 80523


Fields with asterisk are required.
Would your company be interested in participating in the Thursday evening trade show/career fair? *
The price must be from $50.00 to $5,000.00